Admin Group Policy fails to apply
Problem: Group Policy doesn't apply, but gpresult doesn't show any problem. Some Policies are working on the same computer The same policy is working on other computers The windows log has an error with something like this: The client-side extension could not remove computer policy settings for ' ' because it failed with error code '0x8007000d The data is invalid.' See trace file for more details. Solution: Delete all files in this path: C:\ProgramData\ Microsoft\Group Policy\History In Windows XP: D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Group Policy\History In a command window run "gpupdate /force" I ran into a problem where our administrator group policy was not applying for some reason, while other policies were applying. I could not find any information in gpresult or in any group policy settings or information. The policy is the same that is on all the other machines in the domain, and was working, except f...